BirthPrep Yoga is life-changing. 

In the past 10 days, I have had many mamas who did my signature BirthPrep Yoga Series write me that my course was a GAME CHANGER for birth. I can toot my own horn all I want and tell you that this program is exactly what you need to prepare and empower you for birth– but what's far more valuable is that the moms share their stories directly with you.

So here you go! 4 birth stories from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-time mamas.

Lady's Birth (1st-time mom) – from L.A., California

"Hi Hannah, I just had my baby today at 6:21 am! We went in at 1 am and had her 5 hours later - the team was impressed since I'm a first-time mom! I was 5 cm dilated when we got to the hospital, and my water broke at the labor & delivery triage! I had most of my labor at home. Thank you so much for these classes and your advice - it helped so much to prepare my body. It definitely felt like waves building! I am just so grateful that I had such a beautiful birth story! 

Here she is - meet Sophie Mayari."

Carleigh's Birth (3rd-time mom) – from Kelowna, British Columbia

"I felt completely unprepared for my first two births, thinking everything would just come naturally; it didn't.

This course isn't just about yoga. Hannah provided us with so much information, from breathing techniques to what to expect in a C-section. We discussed birthing affirmations, releasing negative energy, strengthening our pelvic floor, trusting our bodies and babies, and so much more.

I ended up having my third induction, and for anyone who has been induced, you know how intense it can be!

The day before was filled with a lot of negative energy. I did one of Hannah's yoga class recordings along with "magic breaths" for most of the day. Once I was induced and started feeling the intense contractions, Hannah's voice was in my head for EVERY contraction. It was the breathing techniques class, combined with a few yoga poses, that got me through. I trusted my body and knew it would only put me through as much as it could handle, and my baby girl came fast! She was my first that didn't need to be vacuumed out, which may seem minimal but a big accomplishment for me!

Hannah and Birth Prep Yoga helped me realize the power I had to bring this baby into the world, and I cannot recommend her course enough. Invest in yourself when you are pregnant. It's so worth it!

Thank you, Hannah and Birth Prep Yoga! I don't think I could have done this without you."

Erin's Birth (1st-time mom), from Williamswood, Nova Scotia

"I can't say enough good things about my experience with Hannah's Birth Prep Yoga series. She is such a warm and knowledgeable person. The yoga was my happy place leading up to birthing my daughter. The practice helped prepare my mind and body. I would highly recommend this program to any mamas-to-be!"

Stefanie's Birth (2nd-time mom) Kamloops, British Columbia

"I feel like I learned so many helpful tips for labour and delivery from BirthPrep Yoga! I had a little boy and a very, very quick labor & delivery. 3 1/2 hours from first contraction to delivery, so there was no time for an epidural (which I never had confidence I could do without one).

I remember very quickly panicking, thinking how I was going to get through it, but then just as quickly remembering everything you taught us about breathing techniques and also that I didn't have to labor laying on my back (which I felt made my contractions more intense).

I honestly wish I had this knowledge for my first pregnancy/delivery! So thank you very much for everything you taught me!!"

What do you think? Were those birth stories helpful?

*HOT TIP: The more you can do to prepare for birth, the better.

What amazes me is that some of these moms wrote me THE SAME DAY THEY GAVE BIRTH. That never happens in any other offering I do. That means – it works.

I am so grateful that something I have done for over a decade in person is now accessible at any time, from anywhere online.

Questions for me? Email: or DM me @birthprepyoga

xo Hannah


Hannah’s 2024 Yoga Retreats in the Okanagan


Kids Yoga with Hannah - Balance out the 7 Chakras