Holly’s Dream VBAC Birth


Many moms who have a C-Section birth (for their first baby) and can try for a vaginal delivery for their 2nd baby often realllllly want that VBAC experience (vaginal birth after C-section).

It’s something that lives deep in their hearts (for these mamas).

A longing for a specific birth experience.

That is how Holly felt. When she found my BirthPrep Yoga series online in November 2022, she signed up; she was ready to prepare her body and mind with all the tools to try for a VBAC.

We did the 6-week series LIVE together with a supportive online community (classes are live on Sundays at 10 am PT/ 1 pm ET). She automatically got three months of access to my online library: BirthPrep Yoga on Demand.

(She loved my online library, with over 35 prenatal yoga videos to choose from, handouts to download and videos with guest speakers in the birthing world).

She asked me: “Hannah, can you make me a video I can do IN LABOR when I am in the hospital?”

Absolutely, I said, so I filmed a video and uploaded it right away– in fact, you can do the same video, too (it’s like having a birth coach on your mobile phone at any time).

Here is a snit bit from the email she sent me four days after giving birth to her second baby:

“After breaking my water at 9:00 pm, the OB asked if I wanted to start oxytocin or if I wanted to walk around for a bit before starting the medications to see if labor would start on its own. I told him I had a yoga video to do, and so I’d rather try without the oxytocin.

I did your labor video twice, and contractions started on their own! I didn’t need oxytocin at all the entire time, and labor progressed super-fast, and baby Phoebe was born at 3:08 AM!!

Despite everything progressing so quickly and not having all that much time to look at the helpful notes I had taken from your series, I found myself using many of the valuable tools that I had committed to memory, and my husband put many of the tools to use for me.

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping this process of having my VBAC be successful for me. I am thrilled to be home now with another little daughter to love.”

When I read this, I thought, I am doing EXACTLY what I need to do in this world. It brought tears to my eyes that I could give a mama the birth experience her heart longed for.

If a postpartum mama writes me four days after giving birth to her second baby (with a toddler in tow) that my BirthPrep Yoga Series meant something to her, that is saying something.

My 6-week BirthPrep Yoga Series will help you prepare for any twist and turn your birth takes. And if you need a video from me (like Holly knew she did), ask.

Birth is all about preparation. It’s opening your heart and looking for answers for your desired outcome.

Never stop digging for what truly matters to you mama!

Yours in Motherhood,

xo Hannah


Hannah’s 2023 Yoga Retreats in the Okanagan